

JUSTA has been conducting a series of Sexual Health workshops with the secondary school of Chacaya.  The idea comes from alarming facts as the rate of teenage pregnancy in rural communities, the many cases of pregnancy related deaths, the big number of children in the...

Yoga en Tz’utujil

I began to collaborate with the JUSTA Collective a few months ago. JUSTA helps support the middle school in San Antonio Chacayá (Santiago Atitlán), organizing activities to improve education and health as well as also collecting funds to help the children to continue...

Commonly Overlooked, Sexual Health Education is key in Guatemala

Sexual health is a theme considered taboo in Guatemala and it is not yet included in the education program for schools, though there is a law that guarantees universal access to contraception and reproductive health education.  Sexual abuse, unwanted pregnancy and...

Responsible Consumption: Workshops with students in Chacayá

There is a lot of talk about recycling, about how to use all these plastic bottles, bags and other packaging materials to create something useful or even artistic, giving a value to all the unnecessary packaging, and sometimes with good intention, promoting the...

Cooking with Middle School Students in Chacaya

By Ingrid Paredes, Chacaya Program Coordinator JUSTA organizes activities with the students of the Chacaya Institute in order to stimulate their abilities and improve their education through workshops, chats and holistic routines.  This month´s activity was a...
Konojel. Kaqchikel. Marquenses.

Konojel. Kaqchikel. Marquenses.

By Kaity Fitzgerald, JUSTA Volunteer at Konojel Community Center Konojel. Kaqchikel.Marquenses. These are words that come to my mind now when I think of Guatemala (or Guatemaya as some say). I spent a fabulous month living in the indigenous Kaqchikel community of San...

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Envision Festival Bound with Jennifer

Envision Festival Bound with Jennifer

As a child, one of my favorite experiences was visiting the International exhibit of my city’s Children’s Museum.   I was captivated by the vibrant colors and intricate patterns of the indigenous textiles and dolls. It’s no wonder, then, that I was led by instinct to...

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