Konojel means “All Together” in the local language of Katchiquel. Beginning in 2011, Konojel has been providing nutritious, free lunches to 60 of the most…
Read more!Konojel means “All Together” in the local language of Katchiquel. Beginning in 2011, Konojel has been providing nutritious, free lunches to 60 of the most…
Konojel means “All Together” in the local language of Katchiquel. Beginning in 2011, Konojel has been providing nutritious, free lunches to 60 of the most at risk in the community of San Marcos. To this day, beneficiaries of the lunch program are selected based on nutritional need and screened through a team of indigenous and medical personnel. JUSTA has partnered with Konojel since their beginning, and assisted in expanding their programing to include programs in children’s education, sustainability, and women’s empowerment.
Project Nuevo Mundo is a platform that connects People and Impact Centers, encouraging resource sharing on the web and on the ground to catalyze planetary…
Project Nuevo Mundo is a platform that connects People and Impact Centers, encouraging resource sharing on the web and on the ground to catalyze planetary regeneration and individual transformation. JUSTA collaborates with PNM through Comida Vida projects such as the Eco-Building and Permaculture initiatives.
Kula Collective provides worldwide offerings of Yoga Teacher Trainings and Transformational Retreats with a vision of a global awakening of spiritual consciousness. Kula’s Karma Program…
Kula Collective provides worldwide offerings of Yoga Teacher Trainings and Transformational Retreats with a vision of a global awakening of spiritual consciousness. Kula’s Karma Program is dedicated to providing services that benefit the communities that need them the most. JUSTA has teamed up with Kula’s Karma program in their initiatives in Guatemala.
School Yoga Institute is a Sadhana Yoga School based on cultivating the spritual practice. SYI holds Registered Yoga Teacher Trainings in many countries all over…
School Yoga Institute is a Sadhana Yoga School based on cultivating the spritual practice. SYI holds Registered Yoga Teacher Trainings in many countries all over the world, as well as created the Mystical Yoga Farm on Lake Atitlan. SYI has provided grants to JUSTA’s Comida Vida program and worked closely with JUSTA to organize and facilitate nutrition programs in Chacaya Middle School. Chacaya is a neighboring village to the Yoga Farm.
The Yoga Forest was founded as a sustainable living experiment, through a desire for living simply, greenly and in communion with everything surrounding us. The…
The Yoga Forest was founded as a sustainable living experiment, through a desire for living simply, greenly and in communion with everything surrounding us. The Yoga Forest promotes permaculture principals, eco-building, and organic foods along with a healthy yogic lifestyle. The Yoga Forest has been a site for many JUSTA programs and workshops.
Jed & Marne is a brother-sister partnership that works directly with Guatemalan foot-loom weavers to create original mens and childrens’ clothing. Jed & Marne contribute…
Jed & Marne is a brother-sister partnership that works directly with Guatemalan foot-loom weavers to create original mens and childrens’ clothing. Jed & Marne contribute a percentage of their sales to JUSTA’s Comida Vida program.
Atitlan Organics is a permaculture inspired farm in Tzununa on Lake Atitlan. Atitlan Organics provides training & education, organic food markets, and contributes to many…
Atitlan Organics is a permaculture inspired farm in Tzununa on Lake Atitlan. Atitlan Organics provides training & education, organic food markets, and contributes to many community projects. AO organizers have given workshops for JUSTA’s Comida Vida program, as well as contributed much knowledge and organization for our community projects!