Comida Vida Workshop Series

Past class topics have included:
- The nutrition of fruits and vegetables, general nutrition and malnutrition in Guatemala
- Natural alternatives to processed white sugar, diabetes, and a discussion on the importance of reading the label when purchasing packaged foods and drinks.
- Medicinal herbs, nutritious spices, and a discussion on holistic approaches to medical care.
- A safe and open a space for discussion on reproductive and women’s health, as well as breastfeeding and early child development related to nutrition.
- Information and recipes with local super foods such as Chaya Greens, Chia Seeds, Amaranth, Ramon Nut, Cacao, and Chipilin.

Why have we chosen this initiative as a way to give back to our community? Because Guatemala has the fourth highest rate of chronic malnutrition in the world, yet the land provides enough vegetables and fruits to nourish its population. From the lack of health education and the inundation of processed, packaged and sugary/greasy junk food from the Western World, local families are filling their bellies with foods that are not fulfilling their nourishment. Over 70% of indigenous children are chronically malnourished, resulting in slowed childhood development, diabetes, and a myriad of other health problems through adulthood. Educating today´s women and mothers on nourishment, healthy eating, and women’s and children’s health will ultimately enhance nutrition for generations to come.
JUSTA would like to thank School Yoga Institute for their generous grant to make this program possible!
In 2015, we also began Comida Vida Jr., a workshop series for elementary aged children.